

My journey with water this year feels immense. Like I retuned to it through a subconscious loop whole. It’s hardly surprising that it became part of a new name, Water Star. Or more correctly Gogo Water Star which means Grandmother Water Star. I haven’t put it like that before and now it feels to me that that is quite a name. Gogo Water Star is my Sangoma name and it came to me as you might imagine through an exposing of the unconscious mind.

As I’ve been talking about it previous posts the Earth is water and if we look at the planet from a disatance as we see it as a Pale Blue Dot. Yet we do not call our planet Water and what colour is earth anyway? As the vison of my new name came to me so did the vision of our blue planet. I have seen it many times in meditation as a I float off planet for a few moments. This time never from so far away, as to fully appreciate it, not a my global home in this embodiment but as our global signifier to any other life forms out there. That we might be able to understand Gaia from the outside rather then from our ‘Earthly’ experience. The land doesn’t define us. The water does as it dictates the edges of our knowldege rather than the depth of it. It represents the humans unknown landscape, the water. What can be know there in something as changelable as water. If we are to truly embrace it? What might you learn about elemental force of water if you were to really speak to it. What would you learn if you were to ask it questions? All life comes from water.

There’s been a lot writeen about water in recent years many people have been talking about Maseur Emoto’s Water Science. Some buying it hook line and sinker and others decrying it as pseudoscinece. In case you hadn’t noticed yet 2020 has been the year of alternative realities. Where I have posed the question a few times now. In a post truth word are we allowed to question somebody elses reality? There is good science, bad science and funded science. It’s almost impossible to find science that doesn’t hold an agenda. Even accidental discoveries tend to emerge from a line of scientific enquiry. Scientific enquiry usually develops through asking questions.

So my conversation with water or more specifically with the lack of water has been an interesting one. If all thingsa are connected surely water is the connecting force. The energy source that guides us all. After all aren’t we 85% water. Many many years ago it was pointed out to me that the Moon had the power to move the ocean and with this power what impact might it have on the human body. Water holds the consciousness of all things on this planet. In holds the memory of what was, what is and what is yet to be. My understanding of water has changed radically. Water holds the bodies of our anscestors, the histories of our places, the knowledge of other times. It has been our constant companion liquid, gas and solid. It changes form too.

For five years I drank almost exclusively Table Mountain spring water from a fresh local source. Now I wonder if my trouble with water isn’t a frequency one? When I think of all of Edinburgh’s dense energies and the consciousness that brought chlorine into the water system. How much liquid poison would you like to cosume in this life time? What kind of world do we live in that they composite part of our being that we are made to consume is toxic?

If humans were robots surely we must me working on manual overide at this point. That there is no way that a well functioning human organism knowingly poisons themselves as an act of survival.

It seems to me we need a lot more Gaia force in our lives.

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