
Brain Trauma

Brain Trauma is in full flow right now, with the Covid 19 lockdown still in place. Right now Occupation Intelligence looks a lot like staying at home, if you can.

I’m so pleased I put this forward as the subject for today. It’s been exactly what I have been thinking about all this morning, so far. Where’s you head at? Where’s Your Head At?

Brain Trauma, impacts our perceptions, our choices and our responses. It’s very real even if you can’t see it. Last year my friend invited me on a Responsive Leadership course with A2B Transformation. Being a qualified Master Coach I didnt’ think I was going to learn anything. I was so board of coaches & healers trying to sell me things. my friend. I could spend the next 20 years of my life consistently studying and I might never get there (where? right?). That you just need to do that one more course. Luckily I am beginning to realise that that is now all part of the healing journey.

With reluctance, I went. I knew it was the universe knocking. Divine intervention (it happens once in a while) and it turned out to cause a paradigm shift that changed the trajectory of my business and life.

What I learned is immense as I literally had my brain blown open to the true impacts childhood experiences on brain development and neurological trauma. I’m not talking about brain injuries in the physical sense. I’m talking about about the development of neural pathways in the brain caused by either physical or emotional trauma.

Stepping into a deeper understanding of the brain enlightened me as to my own behaviours way beyond what I thought was possible in any academic process. Please bear in mind that this goes beyond personality typing.  A2B Transformation have come up with a process called Hardwires that allows you to identify your own neural pathways and how they are negatively impacting you. As well as if you are are right, left or whole-brain dominant.

The course was also designed in such a way that you are also able to build new neural pathways very quickly. I can honestly say that after a weekend on that course my brain has never felt better and as a result of that intervention and interaction. Ever since I learned about brain trauma I no longer suffer from blind overthinking and overwhelm. They are no longer a source of anxiety for me. It’s changed everything in my life and my understanding of what I thought was the self entirely.

If you want to find out more about my own insights into the wiring my brain you can sign up  To a series of essays I wrote here.

Below is a video of from A2B Transformation talking about brain development.